How Yoga Saved My Life (Bhava Ram)
Find out how former NBC war correspondent Brad Willis used the science of Yoga to heal from PTSD, cancer, and a broken back.
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**********SHOW SUMMARY*****************
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1:01 Bhava Ram’s mission is teaching the science self-directed biological transformation through yoga, which goes beyond just the yoga poses called asana. The science involves diet, exercise, etc. Find out more
3:06 Bhava Ram shares his transformation story from a hard working Type A war correspondent to being addicted to pain medications and alcohol to his current mission as a Yoga Warrior.
6:11 How Bhava Ram lost his identity through his health crises? Based on his own experience, Bhava Ram hypothesizes that one’s lost of identity from soldier to civilian may be the potential root cause to PTSD.
13:36 Bhava Ram talks about his process of self-healing and how his diet, purging, and fasting helped him lose 80 lbs off his body.
16:06 Bhava Ram shares the meditation affirmations or mantra he repeated as part of his healing process that included “I am forgiveness. I am grateful. I am calm and relax. I am letting go”.
16:59 How has Bhava Ram turned down the voices of his ego (type A personality) and began to hear his inner guru? He describes how dropping from his head to his heart has changed his immune system. Find out more on epigenetics here:
20:26 How does one surrender ego? What are some helpful exercises to try? The first thing to remember is forgiveness and that it’s normal to have doubt, worry, etc. Guru is translated as dark light and to remember that it’s about moving from dark and light.
22:13 What happens when Bhava Ram’s ego flairs up? The first is to recognize when our ego is talking to us. Once we notice it, it’s helpful to have a mantra : I’m healthy, strong, and relaxed. I’m putting this in the hands of my higher power. Or ask- “How can I be skillful in action instead of reactive? How can I give up the outcome of that to my higher power so that I”m not controlling the outcome? It’s about letting go of our Western ideas that “I’m in charge and outcomes are all about me”. The Eastern practice is about oneness with a higher power and letting go.
24:19 Bhava Ram draws analogy of daily habits and practices like brushing our teeth that we do everyday because we are convinced of the benefits, and doing self-directed daily practices like meditation as the path to contentment and sense of self.
26:05 How do you arrive in a place of effort and ease? (sthira and sukha) Bhava talks about his early am practice that he does every day that includes a contemplation period where he says “Let me live from my heart today and not from my head”.
28:24 Bhava Ram talks about how he’s released his ego over time and how his main practice is serving others through his work with veterens ( Emmett Miller (
29:35 Bhava Ram shares potential expansion into offering yoga for nurses, domestic abuse, and first responders.
30:05 Bhava Ram talks about service for others and how it helps him move from his head to his heart as it’s about asking “How can I help others? vs. What is in it for me?”
30:51 How do you hear your deeper wisdom and your inner guru? Find your inner voice by closing your eyes and focus on breath and feeling the support of mother earth. Slow the mind down and repeat “I AM” and consciously visualize all your awareness going into your heart and see a golden flame. Allow yourself to slip into pure presence and ask your soul – is this the right thing for me? For more about connecting your heart, mind, and spirit go to:
32:36 Bhava Ram talks about his work with veterans as his legacy and the importance it serves by changing not only the people he impacts, but how it has a ripple effect to others. If you help a veteran, it helps his/her family, extended family, and community getting empowered by offering a self-directed healing.
34:50 Bhava Ram offers advice to anyone who questions whether they can transform from darkness, or have the power to crawl out of an abyss. Bhava Ram is living proof that despite doctor’s who say you will NEVER heal from PTSD, that you CAN heal even without medicines.
38:03 Bhava Ram talks about his profound healing work with the military community surrounding in San Diego Coronado and how he has witnessed Yoga’s healing abilities.
39:07 Make sure to check out the live stream event on June 28th event at or make a donation.
Event with Yoga Journal
The post How Yoga Saved My Life (Bhava Ram) appeared first on Yoga Web Go.
from How Yoga Saved My Life (Bhava Ram)
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