21 Ekim 2016 Cuma

Wherefore Is A Yoga Mat – 254 – Les Feldick Bible Study Lesson 1 – Part 2 – Book 22 – Just as if We Have Never Sinne

Wherefore Is A Yoga Mat Video

254 – Les Feldick Bible Study Lesson 1 – Part 2 – Book 22 – Just as if We Have Never Sinne

254 - Les Feldick Bible Study Lesson 1 - Part 2 - Book 22 - Just as if We Have Never Sinne


Through the Bible with Les Feldick
Romans 5:10a
“For if, when we were enemies,…” People don’t realize that until we become a believer we’re enemies of God, and to prove my point turn over to Romans Chapter 8.
Romans 8:6,7
“For to be carnally (fleshly) minded is death (the end result of Spiritual death); but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind (the unsaved person) is enmity(enemy) against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.”
Well, that’s right, they’re not subject to God’s law. God doesn’t stop loving His enemies. God keeps pouring out His Grace upon them, and offering them their Salvation. Now Romans 5:10 again:
Romans 5:10
“For if, when we were enemies, were were reconciled (reconciled is one of the crucial terms in Paul’s letters. So if we were reconciled) to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled (he’s talking to you and I as believers), we shall be saved by (not His death, but by) his life.”
We have already within us eternal life. Romans 5:11
“And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ (the world is bent on happiness. So actually the word `atonement’ was a misnomer, and it should have been a word that had to do with covering or a sweeping under the rug, which was actually what God was doing with the sins of the Old Testament believer. Jesus never mentioned it. Jesus never taught as far as I can determine, the ramifications of Adam, his sin, and how it carries over into the whole human race. Romans 5:12
It’s Adams fault) sin entered into the world,…”
Now when you see this word `sin’ in the singular from this point forward in Romans just put in there “the old sin nature” or “old Adam,” unless the setting just totally violates it. Because there’s a big difference between sin and sins. Sin is that factory that is within us, it’s that fallen nature that we have inherited from Adam. Sins (plural) are the acts that are promoted by old Adam. People can try to train old Adam, dress him up, and make him look pretty good, but then The Word of God comes along and prods it and all of a sudden people lose control of their old sin nature, because it’s the enemy of God.
Romans 5:12
“Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world (and what came with it?), and death by sin;…”
So until Adam sinned, nothing died. Death was an unknown entity. But as soon as Adam sinned, the curse fell not just on Adam and Even, but on the whole creation. The laws of thermal dynamics; the first law of thermal dynamics says that nothing is being created or destroyed. The second law of thermal dynamics says what? I feel the first law was applicable until Adam sinned, but the moment he sinned and death entered, the second law of thermal dynamics came into play. Romans 5:12
“Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men,…”
If the Lord tarries, death will pass upon everyone of us physically. Everything now faces death.
Everything hates death; why shouldn’t we? I don’t know anybody that treasures death. It’s part of the fall of Adam that we should detest death.
Romans 5:12b
“…and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:”
Now I’ve had people say, “Why in the world did God do that? Why did He let Adam sin?” Romans 5:13
“(For until the law [from Adam until Moses, which would be about 2500 years] sin [or Adamic nature] was in the world [the pre-flood people had the old sin nature, they were no different than we are]; but sin is not imputed when there is no law.)”
From Adam until the Law of Moses there was no written law, and there was no formal system of worship, but once the Law was given, that changed everything, and now people are to behold the law. But until then, God could not impute their individual acts of transgression because they were not, per se, breaking a law. Romans 5:14a
Now in the Book of Romans when you see the word `sin’ I want you think of the old sin nature, the old Adam. Romans 5:14a
“Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam’s transgression,…”
Well, what was Adam’s sin? Just a simple act of disobedience by eating what God said not to eat. Were all the millions of people that lived between Adam and Moses guilty of eating the forbidden fruit? Romans 2:14,15
For when the Gentiles, which have not the law (that is the law of Moses), do by nature (naturally) the things contained in the law, these (Gentiles), having not the law, are a law unto themselves: Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience…”
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wherefore is a yoga mat

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